H’s Visit

H and I haven’t posted in a few days as we’ve been busy doing things together! H lives in Germany most of the time so we don’t actually get to see each other that often but this week she’s been in England. She came to stay at my house and we had an evening of cocktails and crafting…

ImageH also bought a tapestry frame and I showed her the basics. She’s going to use the same design as my Mum’s elephant cushion but in ‘acid’ colours. This is her first elephant…

ImageWe also took the opportunity to take a new photo of us, have you seen it in the sidebar? We had a lot of fun shooting it…



ImageThis is the final photo in it’s un-edited form!

ImageWhat do you think?!

We also spent a day in London and took a couple of phone photos, this is H having breakfast in Shoreditch and me on the tube…



It was lovely to see H and to discuss blog things. We have lots of exciting things planned for the future and we’re hoping to make the blog bigger and better. If you have any suggestions for things you’d like to see or changes we could make please let us know!

Wishing H speedy and safe travels back to Germany (via Paris, lucky thing).


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